We invite you to explore the variety of spiritual guidance and healing therapies we offer, with love. Whether you are completely new to ancestral medicine or have experienced the medicine before, we are pleased to offer something for everyone. We encourage you to contact us for a consultation so that we may determine the most beneficial healing therapy for your unique spiritual growth.
60 minute spiritual guidance call with Laura
50 minute customized practice with Laura
2 hour in-person spiritual guidance with Laura
All day in-person spiritual guidance & hypnosis session with Laura
Activation plus 2 hour spiritual guidance & personalized chart drawing with Wani & Laura
1.5 hour follow up spiritual guidance with Wani & Laura
2 person weaving with Wani
Up to 4 person family weaving with Wani
+50 each additional person
2-3 hour spiritual guidance & rendering of your angels with Wani
2 hour spiritual guidance with Wani
with Wani & Laura
Individualized options & pricing
with Wani & Laura
per person pricing (6-10 people)
3 hour ceremony
with Wani & Laura
per person pricing (6-10 people)
4 hour workshop
with our Spiritual Family
per fire pricing (individual/group of up to 10 people)
2 hour ceremony
with Laura
per class pricing, up to 10 people
60 minutes
We also offer multiple healing therapies from the ancestral school which can be customized to serve you individually or a group of any size. Feel free to contact us for a consultation and pricing.
Gift certificates now available, inquire for details!
Our wish is for every person who desires these therapies to receive them, so please don't hesitate to contact us under any circumstances. We are always open to work with creative karmic exchange.